This is a momentary capture of a few, random “awakenings,” which means they may not be individually new nor collectively complete…simply an intersection of thoughts that suggest a few ways forward.

Many may be well-recognized; some, intuitive; others, counter-intuitive; and the rest simply kept rattling around in my head until I jotted them down. I suspect some if not all will resurface in subsequent blog entries or tweets.

  1. Network analysis reveals the skeletal, wire-frame structure for an emergent community…
  2. Every point of access into a network is a potential center of resonance for activating, enlivening the entire network…
  3. Points of resistance in an emergent community shape the flow of energy and the grain or texture of organizational resilience…
  4. Living organizations cultivate spontaneous differentiation of roles, responsibilities and relationships among multiple centers of resonance…
  5. A well-formed consensus liberates the diverse, differentiated frontiers of a community to watch, weigh-up and act on behalf of the whole…
  6. To reach the next level of energy, a movement may need to split or spin-off an independent unit for more powerful resonance…
  7. The most profound transformations occur when conflicting visions, strategies and alliances force a fresh perception of what is possible…
  8. Online social media reframes traditional modes of community interaction, extending them toward worldwide scale, transparency, immediacy, and greater personal responsibility…
  9. The ability of each individual to create and embody diverse roles within and across different community contexts makes structural transformation possible…
  10. The whole is not only greater than the sum of its parts but sets the stage for a greater wholeness…