I’m still woefully behind on completing a report on the practicums I’ve been conducting at Evergreen College. Nevertheless, I’m posting a selection of tools and templates I used for exploring the practical application of Liberating Voices patterns, partly to support the teams of students who are working with local organizations this quarter.
While most of these tools and templates are being freely released without constraint, I am requesting that people register to download a few of the more exploratory and tentative files and reports to encourage feedback on their relative usefulness; under no circumstances will names or personal information be shared with third parties without your explicit permission.
See the Downloads tab and specifically here.
You can register from the Blog Administration widget in the lower-left column of the homepage or directly from here.
The biggest missing piece is the contextual “glue” binding the structure, procedures and documentation. I hope to address this issue in subsequent blog entries.
So please feel free to download, review and as appropriate experiment with the various files and register for the selected packets of procedures and reports that merit particularly careful attention. In all cases, please do share your comments and feedback in the context of advancing the overall Liberating Voices initiative.