After finally cleaning my hard drive, I’ve got the stats for the photos I’ve taken over the past year at Echo Lake near our apartment complex: at least 32 species of birds. Not bad for a once or twice a week local excursion. I’ve come a ways since thinking all ducks were Mallards, and all songbirds were Robins.
Of course, the numbers don’t tell the story of what’s been happening to my consciousness and sense of place, of human community embedded in such natural splendor. Sometimes on the bus or in the rush of traffic, you forget.
Next: tie-in with this blog under a new catetory or categories: “Echos of Creation”? “Natural Innovation”? “The Whole Wide World”? “All My Relations”? Something along an ongoing “photo voice” style essay about a primal sense of witness and wonder to the evolution of natural design that so far outstrips “innovation” and economic-oriented concepts of human and community assets. Maybe simply, Photo Essays.
Just thinkin…